
Why exercise with your significant other

April 20th, 2016

Many people exercise alone. A quick look around at the gym will verify this as you notice solo runners on the treadmill and muscly dudes moving across the free weight floor. The truth is a lot of us don’t consider bringing a friend to the gym. But why not? And why not bring one of the most important people in your life - your significant other? Exercising with your partner can be rewarding and offers some notable benefits.

Treadmill running or outdoor running?

April 13th, 2016

As a runner you’re going to find yourself at a crossroad. Should you work up a sweat outside or do you pay your local gym a visit and run on their treadmill for 30 minutes? This is a question that many runners face and while some may think that both are exactly the same, there are clear differences and advantages to outdoor and indoor running.

Why you should exercise in a class

April 6th, 2016

“I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one... And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, ‘Wait a second, could it be?’ And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack.

Get stronger with bodyweight training!

March 31st, 2016

More women have taken to strength training and building muscle to help them quickly lose fat and get a toned body. But what if you don’t want to go to the gym or if a membership is a little out of your budget? Fortunately, there are plenty of strength training workouts you can do by yourself with little to no need for any exercise equipment.

Best time to work out: morning or evening?

March 30th, 2016

Are you a morning person or an evening person? When it comes to working out, people have different preferences. While some would not mind waking up at five in the morning to start exercising, some would much rather sleep in and just train after work.

7 reasons to start a running routine

March 24th, 2016

Spring is here, and that means there’s no better time to add running to your exercise routine. While there are a lot of women out there who hate the mere thought of running, we know there are plenty of others on the fence about it. So if you’re teetering, don’t dismiss lacing up your sneakers and hitting the pavement just yet.

How to run farther

March 23rd, 2016

Having trouble running your first 5K or 10K? Ever wonder how some runners can keep running as if they weren’t getting tired? For beginners, long distance running can be an intimidating and exhausting challenge but the trick isn’t to jump straight into long runs, but to build up to it.

Stretch away the joint pains

March 16th, 2016

Joint pain and discomfort are unpleasant to say the least. If left untreated, it could possibly develop into arthritis that could be extremely debilitating. Failing to properly care for your joints and maintain them jeopardizes them for a lifetime. So what kind of actions cause their deterioration? It all starts with muscular imbalances that stem from repetitively performing daily activities such as sitting, and long periods of static postures that impede blood flow to muscles and bones.

Muscle soreness and working out

March 10th, 2016

Doubling as a badge of honor, soreness is physical proof that you really pushed yourself and got out of bed for a workout. It might be normal for newbies to experience soreness after their first trip to the gym but for veterans that swear by the "no pain, no gain" mindset might want to reconsider.

How to shorten your exercise routine

March 3rd, 2016

There’s a lot of time wasted at the gym. When you arrive there after a long day at the office, it’s easy to lollygag as you mentally unwind from the workday. But we all know that fitness isn’t the only important matter you need to attend to. Family, friends, and cooking nutritious meals all take up what precious few moments you have left outside of work.